
Executive summary


Q3’20 funding to US-based, VC-backed companies is thesecond strongest quarter ever
Investments reach $36.5B in Q3’20, the second highestquarter ever:VC investments to US-based companies hit a7-quarter high in Q3’20 at $36.5B, up 22% year-over-year(YoY) and 30% from Q2’20. The quarterly increase in dealactivity is more modest: 1,461 VC deals take place inQ3’20, a 1% increase from 1,440 deals in Q2’20. While dealactivity has shown small increases each quarter so far thisyear, Q3’20 deals are still down 11% YoY amid thepandemic.
Number of quarterlymega-roundsclimbs to a new record:
Mega-rounds drive funding gains as 88 US-basedcompanies raise rounds worth $100M or more in Q3’20,surpassing the record set in Q2’20. As a result, mega-rounddeal share rises to 54% of total funding.
Seed deals rise for the second consecutive quarter:Seeddeals continue their recovery after a sharp drop-off in Q4’19.Later-stage deal size is still high: Series D median deal sizerises to $50M vs. $32M in Q2’20.

Geographic insights

Global deal activity and funding see quarterly rises
North America, Asia, and Europe see combined fundingof $71.9B in Q3’20, a historical record:Global VC fundingrises over 40% in Q3’20 compared to Q2’20.
Asia sees the largest jump in funding and deals, deal activitysurpasses North America:Asia deal activity rises over 14% inQ3’20, compared to a 1% rise in North America and a flatquarter in Europe. Funding to startups in Asia increases 74%,while jumping 29% in both Europe and North America inQ3’20 vs. Q2’20.
Los AngelesandSeattleMetrossee significant upticks indeal activity:Los Angeles deal activityincreases to 115 inQ3’20, up from 86 in Q2’20. Seattle deal activity jumps 33%in Q3’20 compared to Q2’20.
Most of the top metros see an increase in investments:Whilequarterly deal activity declines in six of the top ten metros,only two see a decline in investments in Q3’20, as mega-rounds drive funding gains across major metros.

作者 xingheadmin
